Blog Orbit – March 2023

Hello there bloggies! Happy March to you all! Can you actually believe that it’s march already? In a few weeks we will completed one quarter of this year! I know that no one reading this wanted to hear that, but oh well.

Despite the facts there’s still so much going on this was a better month and I actually got some posts out. I know – pull out the shocked faces!

Fist off Jupiter and Venus we looking very close in the sky towards the end of February, their closest was on March the first – however the inevitable pre-scheduled cloud buggered that up. However one evening the Moon lined up with them as well.

Cosmic Alignment Venus, Jupiter and Moon

I also caught a shot of this comet back from February which was missed in last month’s orbit!

The Little Green Comet

I also kicked off a couple of new things… First was something on Life the Universe and Everything. Our look on this and how we might get by a little better among the chaos.

Life the Universe and Everything – The Emotional Man Ape

Life the Universe and Everything – A whole Planet of Ape Men

I’ve also started ranting… it’s too much to bear so these little things I see about me I need to get off my chest. There could be many posts on this:

Thinking about it makes it Hurt – Roads

Thinking about it makes it Hurt – Valentines Day

Thinking about it makes it Hurt – What is it about Farts?

I’m not saying I’m proud about these… just necessary.

The other thing that’s been going on is the northern lights that have been visible from the UK in the last week or so. Last week I wasn’t able to go out and see them becasue of a stinking cold – this week there might be another chance… guess what though – yup the bloody weather!

I hope you’re all keeping good!

How about you guys? How are we all doing out there? How’s life treating you?

My Recent Posts:

The Dancing Lights

Friday night was spectacular, the northern light put up an amazing show for much of northern Europe and North America. I don’t know how far south it went but from the south of england there were streams of light coiming…

Keep reading

20 thoughts on “Blog Orbit – March 2023

  1. ah you mean stellar going ons … nothing like Holi or Women’s day? love your pics Si!

    I’ve just driven through Parkes again today, where our big dish is that caught the first lunar landing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful astrophotography, Simon! The northern lights have also been visible from parts of Vancouver Island lately but I have yet to catch a glimpse. I hope the weather is clear and you get a chance to witness them- I would love to see photos!

    Liked by 1 person

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