Science Fiction Concepts – Building Spaceships and where do the Humans go?

Spaceships are brilliant, fins a bit of science fiction that requires on and there is a real piece of imagination that's gone into creating a spacecraft. The design, the concept, crew and how it works is part of the designers imagination with a little bit of science thrown in. I thought it would be fun … Continue reading Science Fiction Concepts – Building Spaceships and where do the Humans go?

Science Fiction Concepts – Building Spaceships and what Drives them?

Spaceships are brilliant, fins a bit of science fiction that requires on and there is a real piece of imagination that's gone into creating a spacecraft. The design, the concept, crew and how it works is pert of the designers imagination with a little bit of science thrown in. I thought it would be fun … Continue reading Science Fiction Concepts – Building Spaceships and what Drives them?

Science Fiction Concepts – Artificial Intelligence and Human Government

In the last post on AI we met Asimov's laws of robotics and looked at the ethical problems about human instruction around that. First Law A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.Second Law A robot must obey the orders given it by human … Continue reading Science Fiction Concepts – Artificial Intelligence and Human Government

Science Fiction Concepts – Artificial Intelligence and Ethics

Science fiction stories regularly delve into the realm of robots or computers running humans and their societies and it's an interesting concept.AI and having an army of robotic helpers to assist mankind in its dangerous or unwanted tasks tends to polarise thinking into 2 groups, first the idyllic concept of man being able to turn … Continue reading Science Fiction Concepts – Artificial Intelligence and Ethics

Science Fiction Concepts – Artificial Intelligence & Enhancing Human Capability

Science fiction stories regularly delve into the realm of robots or computers running humans and their societies and it's an interesting concept.In the last post on this AI was briefly introduced and in essence what it does and can mean for the human race. The rest of the posts in the series will look at … Continue reading Science Fiction Concepts – Artificial Intelligence & Enhancing Human Capability

Science Fiction Concepts – What does Artificial Intelligence mean for the Human Race?

Science fiction stories regularly delve into the realm of robots or computers running humans and their societies and it's an interesting concept. One of the aspects of this that is frequently displayed in these stories is Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence or AI as it's commonly referred to is where a machine displays human like intelligence … Continue reading Science Fiction Concepts – What does Artificial Intelligence mean for the Human Race?

Science Fiction Concepts – The Great Artificial Gravity Problem

It's invisible, it's everywhere but in a very universal sense it's also nowhere to be found. We take it for granted like we take the air that we breathe and the sun on our faces becasue it's always there - it always has been and it hopefully always will be.For a long time it's existence … Continue reading Science Fiction Concepts – The Great Artificial Gravity Problem

Sci-fi Concepts – Where does Consciousness reside and can it be cloned?

Before I get onto this post properly this post contains spoilers for the last episode of Star Trek Picard. If you read this and haven't seen the end I will have ruined it for you. You have been warned. Star Trek Picard - Credit to CBS For those of you who saw it and for … Continue reading Sci-fi Concepts – Where does Consciousness reside and can it be cloned?

Science Fiction Concepts – The Curse of Impatience

As usual and in no surprise to anyone how things happen in Sci-Fi films bears no resemblance (I hope) to how things would happen in a real mission.Picture the scene, long journey, excitable explorers wanting to get out and see what's there. To wait and carry out a survey is boring I mean come on … Continue reading Science Fiction Concepts – The Curse of Impatience

Science Fiction Concepts – Every Spaceship needs a Robbie!

On the back of my post on Uniforms and Space Suits it strikes me that there's something really Sci-Fi is missing or hasn't thought of - Robotics and automation. Why is this? Basically humans are not meant to live in space there really are very few environments that are so inhospitable to us. That's why … Continue reading Science Fiction Concepts – Every Spaceship needs a Robbie!

Science Fiction Concepts – Uniforms & Space Suits

I've not been jumping on my concepts for a little while but as I'm back into it again I thought I would jump into space suits and uniforms / space age clothing and what I've been thinking about it all.We've all seem the Moon landings and various astronauts dossing about on ISS and know pretty … Continue reading Science Fiction Concepts – Uniforms & Space Suits

Science Fiction Concepts – The Space Age Command Structure

One aspect of science fiction that I think really needs looking at in many different stories and universes is the command structure. What do I mean by this? Surely any advanced space faring species would have a command structure that would reflect the society that they come from? Sure, but why does it have to … Continue reading Science Fiction Concepts – The Space Age Command Structure