Art Portfolio

Artist of Pencil, Pixel and Paint.

Painting Scenery – Winter Aurora

I’ve seen lots of pictures of aroura scenes recently and with the Sun so active and the northern lights often visible from southern England I decided to create my own aroura inspired scene. I know many artists use oil paints for this kind of thing becasue oils take a long time to dry, but I…

A Young Couple – A Sketchwork

It’s been a while since I’ve done much sketching and I’ve been missing the creative time if I’m honest. However recently I felt compelled to create a piece for a young couple getting married. A bit of a challenge for someone who’s never done this before but you know what’s life without a challenge? I…

Digital Art – Flying Book Expression

For Christmas I was given a whizzy tablet with a pen to draw with. Apparently for some this is all the rage but I quite like the simplicity of a pencil. If that pencil had an undo function that would be brilliant but there we are. Anyways the other day I found myself with not…

Painting Planets – The Clouds of Jupiter

I’ve been at this work a long time, well not at it as such it’s been sat part done on my easel for months if I’m honest – but I struck up the courage to get out the pains and finish this painting of Jupiter. My first painting of Jupiter. There’s something etheral about the…

“Argonath” The Pillars of Kings – A Sketchwork

It’s hard to believe that the Lord of the Rings films are now 20 years older or more now. Having read the books I would say that the films where an honest, modern interpretation of the story. They definitely don’t follow the the story or tone of the stories line by line but great in…

Sketchwork – Top Gun Maverick

Here’s a lok at my latest sketcwork, taken from the Top Gun Maverick movie poser I saw it and it was to me this brilliant blend of old and new, a now much older Maverick looking up at the twin fighters from a P51 Mustang. I (for some reason) had to draw it… So I…

Waters of Fire – My First Painting

For ages now I’ve decided I wanted to try my hand at painting. When I say ages I mean years. The other week I decided enough was enough, I sat in front of a blank canvas, with paints and brushes at the ready, not really sure what to do or how to start. and tried…

Cassini’s Grand Finale – 5 Years on

On the 15th of September 2017 the completing the last of it’s ‘Grand Finale’ maneuvers the space craft Cassini entered Saturn’s atmosphere and burned up. This ended a mission that began with it’s launch in 1997 with the exploration mission lasting 13 years from 2004 until it’s destruction in September 2017 when the last images…

2001 – An Art Odyssey

Any of my long time bloggiesw ill know that one of my favourite all time SciFi stories is 2001 A Space Odyssey. For quite some time I’ve been thinking about what piece of work I could do for this. Eventually I chose this one, alshtough I have to say now that I would have done…

My Recent Posts:

The Dancing Lights

Friday night was spectacular, the northern light put up an amazing show for much of northern Europe and North America. I don’t know how far south it went but from the south of england there were streams of light coiming…

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