Blog Orbit – Blog Date July 2022

Hello there bloggies!

It’s only a few days into July and already there’s new drama’s going on in the world – new things to either laugh, cheer or cry at depending on where you lay with things. Let’s not go there too deeply though.

There’s been a bit of old and new here on Simon’s Space… let’s take a look.

My series of posts sharing the story of our understanding of the universe has finished. This has gone all the way from Aristotle to Einstein and covered thousands of years. I’ve listed the posts below… have a look!

Time, Space and the Universe as we know it – Part 1 Early Understanding

Time, Space and the Universe as we know it – Part 2 Relative Motion

Time, Space and the Universe as we know it – Part 3 The Speed of Light and the Ether

Time, Space and the Universe as we know it – Part 4 Special Relativity

Time, Space and the Universe as we know it – Part 5 Relative Time

Time, Space and the Universe as we know it – Part 6 Relative Space

Time, Space and the Universe as we know it – Part 7 Relative Events in Space and Time

Time, Space and the Universe as we know it – Part 8 Energy and Matter

I’ve started up another part of the Stories of the Cosmos series… keeping the endless story of what’s been going on while we’ve been evolving from a few cells in the sea. I’ll posts them more next month but keep an eye out for them!

Looking back through April… some things Happened! How about that eh? Let’s kick this off… firstly there was some pretty pictures I had taken from the month before:

March 2022 in Night Pictures

I created a sketch of 2 little dogs last month… it’s a bit of a break from my norm but it took it’s time and was fun to do – have a look at the post to see how it went.

Sketching Little Dogs

I’ve got a bit of an interest in drawing in 3D and how it all works. I started off simple with this sketch of a 3D ball.

On top of this as well there were a couple more Moon shots taken through my telescope.

What have you guys been up to? Has anything been inspiring you to post or create something? How’s life?

I hope you’re all keeping good!

My Recent Posts:

17 thoughts on “Blog Orbit – Blog Date July 2022

  1. got a few shots of that huge moon we’ve had recently … only thru my cheap camera but it brings me delight! No drawing skills here whatsoever but been creating in the garden and on the sewing machine 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I feel like if I were able to draw/ paint, it would help me express my creativity more and relax me, but no such luck. Does drawing destress you?

    It’s great that you are constantly pushing yourself to do something new and explore and grow.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When you say no such luck I assume you mean you’ve not been able to master it?

      Yes it does destress me, it’s something I enjoy.

      I think pushing myself is important to how I can grow.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I had no idea I was really… Thank you so much and yes I will be showing more off of course 🙂
      Thanks, I’ll keep it up for a bit and then more onto something else. When I think of it. lol

      Liked by 1 person

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