
My good friend Acire from Scribes Canvas tagged me on the blog-Aholics award. Acire is someone who I think it quietly brilliant. She writes her stories, does her thing and doesn’t shout about it. Her love of Sci Fi was a surprise to me. Make sure you visit her blog and follow.


  1. Put the above award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules
  3. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog (it can be to the post in which they nominated you or any other post or you can even link to their “About” page)
  4. Mention the creator The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy) of this award and please provide a link or pingback as I [Esmé of The Recipe Hunter (Cook & Enjoy) ] would love to meet you!
  5. Write a post to show your award
  6. Share a link to your best post(s)
  7. Share 3 interesting and different facts about yourself
  8. Nominate 5-10 fellow bloggers, or more if you wish
  9. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

I have a few posts that I’m fond of, these show the diversity of this blog, and the randomness of my mind:

Chocolate Chip Muffins

Time Dilation and Messing with my Head

Two Wolves – A Cherokee Teching


3 interesting facts about me :

  1. I’m an engineer.
  2. I find monotony boring.
  3. I’m random and proud of it.



I would like to nominate:




Hannah Fearless


Shell Sizzle





Thank you again to Acire for tagging me on this, I’m not on as much as I used to be but I’m always trying to be about, if only to scroll thought the posts of my bloggies. I hope all those I’ve nominated can join in – if not please take the tag with the as a sign ofe you’re awesomenessssssss…

Simon 🙂

39 thoughts on “THE BLOG-AHOLIC AWARD!

  1. Congrats Simon, how awesome but I already knew that about you! Thank you for including me here, I’m really touched. I’m so behind in accepting these nominations but regardless I totally appreciate the thought. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. We have to get out more… Lol
        But it would be fun to mess about like that.
        I imagine you could out drink me.
        Are you coming to the bash this year?


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