Blog Orbit – December 2023

Hello there bloggies! Here we are… December. How did that happen? Last I knew it was May and still cold. Now it’s December and it’s cold and now wet. We’re nearly another year down and I’m thinking about the Letter to Myself that I always write at the beginning of the year, to be opened in 2024. People have said before that they might take part in this – consider this your reminder 🙂

As it’s cold for those of us in the norther hemisphere why do you sit around the fire and read about what I’ve been up to on the blog world in November. If you’re in the southern hemisphere, keep the Sun off your head and read up too!

While I’m here I want to draw your attention away from this space to my other blog – Simon’s Mind Space
is a new blog where I’m focusing on the mind, philosophy and such to show where I’ve been working on my mind and how thinking about thins differently has helped me.

Emotions – What are they?

The Expectation Trap

There’s posts on happiness, life, dealing with control and such. I’ve tried to break it down into nice little chunks. Have a look and let me know what you think…

As I said there’s been some lovely Autumness to capture…

The Lake in Autumn
Autumn Night Sky

I have carried on the SciFi talk and looked at how the current society has influenced one of the Sci-Fi greats and a lack of vision of a future society affected one of the Science Fiction classics.

Simon’s Scifi Space -How our Present Affects our Vision of the Future

There’s also been a bit of Cosmic Philosophy going on…

The Cosmic Perspective

A Universe of Infinites

What posts did you catch during November? Did any stand out for you?
How are we all doing out there? I can now talk about Christmas so how ready for it are we all?

What’s going on?

My Recent Posts:

8 thoughts on “Blog Orbit – December 2023

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