Planet Simon’s Weekly Orbit – Blog Date 14-2019

Hi ya Bloggies! The weekly orbit does it’s round again, I’m not sure what we’re round for this time but please send up some biscuits and tea up this time. I might need them to get through the week…

I think I’ve finally got a good little thing going on with the weekly orbit now, rather than just being about what I haven’t done I’m spreading the blogging love a bit… so read on!

During the last Orbit

Since the last orbit passed there have been a couple of new posts, for some reason I thought there was more, but it seems not. Firstly was my Mystery Blogger award which came from Sarah Jensen who is a great SciFi bloggie and has been helping me a lot with my blog battles.

Next there was my Blog Battle Story for March where the prompt word was Dusk.

Final Dusk

My take was about a group of… just read it. I think it’s pretty good

Post from Planet Simon Past

This weeks post from Planet Simon past is from my digital art collection, I’ve been slowly getting to grips with GIMP and this was how I created a planet with rings.

Out of this World Bloggers:

As a way of giving back to the blogging world and the great bloggies that you are I thought I would start featuring some of the great bloggies I know or have come across.

So this week’s lucky bloggies are:

Tenacity T – She’s back and she’s as straight talking as ever!

Lolsy’s Library – A great blogger from down under with a nice little library of posts.

Reading under the Blankie – A cracking book blogger, with a little geeky side as well which is always interesting.

What are you bloggies doing over this week – anything fun and exciting going on?

Keep smiling and writing!

My Recent Posts:

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