Planet Simon’s Weekly Orbit -Blog Date 48-2018

Hi there bloggies – happy Monday! Ok – let me get this out of the way now… sorry. I said I had a few things to post and all I can do is apologise becasue I ran out of week. The way things are going I’m likely to run out of week this week too! BUT… I have a few things I really should be posting about, so hopefully you never know I might get something out this week. Especially look out for my blog battle story.

Onto other things – who has tried out the the Gutenberg editor? I have to say i’t s tricky little watname and it doesn’t have a few things which I would really like. But it makes some sense, so added to my list for you will be a geeky guide to the Gutenberg post editor. Anyone who has any questions on it let me know and I’ll try and address them.

There’s not much more to say really except I hope that you’re all keeping calm and looking forward to the impending doom festive season as much as I am. I can’t believe that there’s only 35 days left until the end of the year and I have things to think about which I can’t… 

I’ve also in the last week had a clash of views with a blogger, nothing bad but as they’re a friend it did take me back a bit especially as it was over something which is kind of core to what inspires me. I’m not going to give details but they’ve made it clear they’re not following here and it’s fine. We’re still friends just disagreeing on some views.

Has this been something that’s happened to you? What did you do?

Have a great week all – keep smiling and writing!

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21 thoughts on “Planet Simon’s Weekly Orbit -Blog Date 48-2018

  1. That’s the good (or bad) thing about friends, if they are true friends they will agree to disagree about certain things that you both see differently. I have that going on with a friend of mine as well. She “thinks” its her job to edit my blog posts, I know I have a lot of work to do regarding my blog. But I receive constant emails with what I posted onto a word doc with the tracking changes on and all the things she’s changed. It’s frustrating as hell, because she’s not a writer but somehow she thinks its her job. I want to create a post that say’s “Veronica, your fired as my self-appointed editor” and see what happens then. lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah I get your frustration. It’s not that bad though it’s actually quite harmless although I wouldn’t want someone telling me how to write my posts.
      I might be crap but let me be lol

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I find it depends on the person, I have lots of friends on different ends of the political spectrum, but we can all have a conversation without name calling, then you go onto facebook for example and within 2 seconds you are either called a snowflake or a racist depending on which way you are going

        Liked by 1 person

      2. All good here, although I have found that now I have no real important worries, I am focusing on small shit that piss me off, its an unusual feeling, but I am becoming that person that you want to turn around to and say I wish I could have your worries.

        I did try not being pissed off at anything but found that pissed me off 😉


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