Did you know… Supersonics and Roller Coasters

There are lots of facts out there, some are pretty meh – other blow your mind. For example Did you know:

A supersonic flypast at Ottawa’s new airport in 1959 smashed all the glass in the buildings – delaying opening for a year.

Who thought this was a good idea? Honestly… this was going to happen.

The first loop the loop roller coaster had to close down becasue so many people were passing out.

Who knew? I had no idea but also I feel like this is the same as the first one. It wasn’t going to end well.

What do you think?

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25 thoughts on “Did you know… Supersonics and Roller Coasters

  1. Who are the QI elves? And I could’ve missed something, but I don’t see anything in that article about people passing out? I did see a passage about neck strain and whiplash. Where did you originally get your “fact”? Where did you hear it? Just want to verify, that’s all.

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    1. That specific isn’t in there. QI is a factual panel show here in the UK. The QI elves are the fact fingers and checkers.
      They have written a book of facts and that’s where this comes from

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      1. Lol you’re good. I was imagining some kind of magical internet beings or something, kinda like in gaming when you refer to the RNG gods… I thought maybe “elves” was your creative twist or something! 🤣 I put way too little effort into actually looking it up–I had no idea that it was an actual show and “QI elves” would be an effective keyword.

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      2. Haha I like it .. each of us trying to find the truth.
        To be fair I couldn’t find the information on the loop the loop that you were asking.
        It’s an imaging thing, I doubt doubt the fact but I’m annoyed I can’t find more about it 😂🤣

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  2. I’m reminded of a recent test flight for a new SpaceX rocket. Apparently the engine exhaust blew all the doors off the launch facility. I guess when you’re trying to do something new, there may be unforeseen consequences. Although some unforeseen consequences don’t seem like they’re that unforeseeable.

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