Simon’s Scifi Space -Star Trek Picard S3

Not long ago the 3rd and supposed final series of Star Trek Picard ended. Over the last few years the 3 series have run and carried on the story of the now retired Admiral Jean Luc Picard and his ongoing adventures.

A lot of what’s going in in entertainment at least to me is about nostalgia and that might be becasue there’s little in the way of fresh ideas but there might be other reasons too. Personally I enjoyed all 3 series and maybe I’ll talk about the aspects of them more in other SciFi Space posts.

To me this last series embodied what we all wanted from the Picard series, for the whole old crew to get together and go off for another final(ish) adventure. The beautiful way for me at least in which this series panned out was how all the different lives and threads came together. There wasn’t a merely a call to arms there was the slow gather of the old guard it felt like. Worf and his intelligence unit, Geordie’s role as head of the fleet museum and Beverly’s central role as the centre of the tornado of trouble that the galaxy was now facing.

Interesting little snippets were to be found when the Daestrom institute was broken into. Not only did they find Picard’s previous and frozen body but it seems Kirk’s was there too – it seems the Starfleet likes to keep the bodies of its Enterprise captains. I have no idea why though. Of course it was here that a humanised Data was discovered, a semi human, semi robotic android with the minds of not only Data but Lore, Adam Soong and others. This made for an interesting side angle on what made Data and Lore so different and the battle that Data had to go through to win over his mind.

I think the biggest surprise for me was that the Enterprise D made a come back at the end too. It was done in a very plausible way too, a museum piece cobbled together to form a working exhibit, albeit a very big one. Back for one last mission – once again to save the galaxy.

The nostalgic cherry on top of this already nostalgically iced cake was the scene at the fleet museum, finding out what happened to Kirk’s Enterprise, Defiant, Voyager and the Klingon Bird of prey from Star Trek 4 which of course had it’s cloaking device stolen to make the Titan invisible. A nice touch but that device was well over 100 years old and had been at the bottom of the ocean for a long time too so I think they stretched it a little there. I’ll forgive them though because it was good.

I’ve heard the criticisms about the series of course but just as with so much these days there’s too much criticism, just enjoy and appreciate and that’s what I did, yes the plot might be flawed but nothing is perfect and that’s not what this was about, this was about how does the old crew come back together and from that point of view it was prefect.

Did anyone else out there watch it? What were your thoughts?

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16 thoughts on “Simon’s Scifi Space -Star Trek Picard S3

  1. As a borderline “religious” Trekkie and what some might call a canon purist, I am, shall we say, “passionately disappointed” in NuTrek as a whole (Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks aside). But I’ll spare you my rantβ€”that’s just how I personally enjoy the show πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Probably for the best 😏
        (Jk, I’ve learned how not to start a fire…it’s a new talent! 🀣 Not too long ago I would’ve already written an essay in your comments by now 😜)

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well I don’t mind the discussion. I’m always open to view. While I see the imperfections and some of the possible plot holes I don’t dig so deep as some seem to these days to find flaws. πŸ˜‰

        I mean I could agree with you – but then we would both be wrong lol πŸ˜‰


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