Inktober 2020 – Day 15 Outpost

Hi there bloggies! It’s October and that means Inktober. As with last year I’m going to have a bit of a go and try some things out. Outpost is today’s prompt which was a bit weird so I went weird and made it up… With my own twist of course!

Anybody else out there complete today’s challenge?

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18 thoughts on “Inktober 2020 – Day 15 Outpost

      1. He was a solid good British sort, who in the 1950s & 60s (well actually set in the 1990s) protected the world from the evil Treens led by the dastardly ‘The Mekon’. As narrated and illustrated in the Eagle Comic
        It was said Arthur C Clarke was the advisor on matters scientific.
        Yes those were the days when you could believe that Britain could afford its own (naturally superior) Space Program and the only Americans were there for comic relief.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well those days have passed, it looks like we might be venturing into space at some point if we can get people with vision to drive it.

        Arthur C Clarke started out in the pulp fiction back then and before.

        Liked by 1 person

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