The Christmas Tag

Laura Beth of HotShot Headlines tagged me in the Christmas tag the other day. Thank you Laura :-))))
Make sure you go and have a look at Laura’s blog, she’s got lots of great posts for the reader and the writer.

The Rules

You must thank the person who nominated you.

Link back to the original post (the one on this blog) and use the graphic provided.

Answer the questions given.

Nominate at least 3 people. (or more if your feeling like a nice person  )

Give the nominees 10 questions to answer (or use the ones previously given)


My Questions

How do you celebrate Christmas?
I’m fairly traditional in many ways but I have a huge issue with the Christmas dinner – it takes up the whole day and I would rather have it on Christmas eve.

Do you have a favorite Christmas carol or hymn?

I do actually – Once in Royal David’s City.

Do you like snow?
Yes but it never snows at Christmas here.

What is your favorite contemporary Christmas song?
I dunno really… 

What does your Christmas dinner table look like?
Flat with four legs… Like any other table. I put some food on it like Turkey and potatoes.

What is your favorite Christmas memory?
I remember the small of the Christmas tree, every year filling the f=room for a day or two and decorating it.

If you could take a paid two-week break for Christmas this year, what would you do, and why?
Go to somewhere really remote, like in the mountains.

Do you have a favorite Christmas book / piece of literature?
Not really.

Is there a Christmas movie that you don’t like?
All the mushy gooey ones.

Do you have a favorite Christmas special?
The Morecambe and Wise Christmas special with Des O Connor in it.

My Nominee’s

I hope my nominee’s take part, if you do then I give you the same questions. The lucky people are:

Big and Pinky Toes

Sam Fifty Something







Have fun!

My Recent Posts:

28 thoughts on “The Christmas Tag

  1. Hi Simon, thanks for the “tag” and just do you know I was horrible at tag as a kid, lol. So don’t go thinking it will be as whimsically smartass-ish like your responses.
    I will post as soon as I have a chance to do so. 😎😀


  2. Awww… It’s like what whe have on Wattpad. But that is all the year with different challanges. 😀 This year for Christmas is a 26 days challange, write every day something. 😀 I love it thought. Have a nice holiday and Merry Christmas, Simon!!! ^^

    Liked by 1 person

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