Torrents of memories 

I stand absorbed by the falling water. Like moments in time they coomr and go so fast. Lost to the pool below, mixed together in an inseparable mix. 

Yet my pool of thoughts can be separated, in mixed from the rest to bring g back moments in a drop, feelings lost to be rediscovered. 

Soon I’m lost to every falling drop, memories crash over me in a crescendo and the moments lost in the torrent until I can feel them again. 

Simon ☺

45 thoughts on “Torrents of memories 

      1. Yeah, I can imagine. I’ve never had someone tell me that my writing has made then feel so emotional. Thank you… You’ve made my day for sure ☺


      1. I think so many of us face this same challenge when trying to write around other responsibilities. Are early mornings an option? I suppose everyone is trying to rush out the door. I know evenings aren’t always easy for you. On the bright side, liking your new job is wonderful!

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