A Call To Action!

I’ve re-blogged this from my friend at Porter Girl. I usrge you all to read this and please take action in whatever way you can!!!

Simon 🙂

3 thoughts on “A Call To Action!

  1. I am sorry to hear of this news. It’s always devastating for the rest of the family.

    I realise I’m going to come across awfully callus here but…I do not give to people who ask for money, however sad the circumstances. Neither would I ask my friends to consider donating. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve given to various charities over the course of the last 30 years, mostly those involved with caring for my parents and brain tumour related research. When my father was dying, we funded many things because the help did not exist. Despite him having served in the Forces, even they would not help. I didn’t want you to think I was ignoring this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s ok. I understand you. But I hope that good thoughts, prayers (if or in whatever way you do) will all play their part. I depends on what code of life you live to.


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