Tron legacy – amazingly unique or just brilliant CGI?


I’m showing my age again when I tell you that I can remember when Tron first came out, with the dazzling blue lighted scenery, and a brilliantly different storyline making a film which we had never seen before or since.

So when Tron Legacy came out it begged the question, is this just Tron re-made or is this going to  be something different? Is it going to be worth watching?

Basically Tron Legacy knocked my socks off! One could argue that the plot at the basic level was the same as the first film, but there was so much more. The effects were kind of the same, kind of different. You had the nostalgic trip back to the early 1980’s when Sam went to Flynn’s. The games were the same, but different with the cycles racing but the disc fighting tournament.

The premise of the film was different, in that the errant CLU who was causing all the problems was attempting to make the ‘perfect’ system. This is the kind of thing that happens so much in SciFi, where a basic human instruction to a computer leads to untold chaos because of literal interpretation. Because of this, CLU had to be kept away from the ‘link’ and stopped from entering the ‘real’ world otherwise he would reign his chaos there too. There was so much more to the plot than the original, yet the old elements kept the nostalgia for the vintage viewer.

There are only two things I would have to say I didn’t like. Firstly is this film should and could have been made perhaps twenty years ago when Jeff Bridges was not so old, but then the music from Daft Punk was simply amazing and showed how much electronica has moved on since the 80’s. The second thing is Tron – now the baddie and CLU’s right hand man. I would have been amazing to see a dic battle between CLU and Tron. There was the brief conflict when Tron took out CLU at the end, but there could have been more.

What’s next though? Will there be another Tron based movie? The last we saw of Tron he turned from orange to white in the ocean, what has happened to Flynn? Is it over? I hope not… this was a good firm and it’s a great addition to the Sci Fi genre and I hope the visionaries that brought us Tron legacy will bring us more.

Simon 🙂

7 thoughts on “Tron legacy – amazingly unique or just brilliant CGI?

  1. I think they should have used a different actor, not Jeff Bridges. I found his age and his CGI VERY distracting. It was the perfect movie for it since the virtual nature of the world did not require any particular visual consistency.

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