I’ve given in!

At Christmas we all have a lot of things to do and people to try and make happy! This is why it gets stressful… It’s too much sometimes because those around us can often make us feel like we can’t make them happy… Nothing will.

I’ve taken to hiding in a pond… Not literally though.

I had great plans for doing some bakig and cooking to make some special things for the day, I’ve shipped my furry arse off and I think I’ve done fucking well! But at Tesco last night I saw Yule lots for £3 and something inside me broke. Fuck it I thought! I’m not making one – I’m buying one! All those around me won’t appreciate it any less or a home made one more! Then after unpacking half my shopping because of this self shop beeping thing my son insisted I use I went to the wrong till and it’s one of those ‘computer says no’ moments. But that’s a story for another time!

Why is it we spend so much time making ourselves stressed and miserable to try and make others happy when we don’t in the end. What’s the point? Why doesn’t it work?

Have a happy Christmas bloggies!

Simon 😀

77 thoughts on “I’ve given in!

  1. Simon I hope you are feeling more relaxed now. I’m not sure how much time you get off from work over the holidays. But hopefully there are days you could do little. I don’t know why we stress ourselves out I guess we’re competing with our old memories of the season and commercialism, howv advertising makes the holidays seem — not taking into consideration all the work involved.
    Hope you have a Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m trying to but kids keep getting in the way. Holiday time is hard as there’s so much going on… But the stress of Christmas is over. Thank you Mandi. You’re a star 💋❤
      Happy new year to you too! ☺

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Not bad, busy sometimes but today worn out and just catching up on some blog reading. I find I’m okay for a day or two then the next day I pay lol. How about you?

        Liked by 1 person

  2. For me the reason of making everything from scratch is because my kids like to help out (still and we will see for how much longer). That is the beauty of it and if I would buy it that part would be lost. But I do agree with you too, if the homemade one is not appreciated then why bother…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Give as much as others deserve. Giving all, and getting nothing in return, not even appreciation, will definitely be disheartening. So why not stay cautious from your side proactively. 😉 😀
    I hope you had a MERRY Christmas Simon. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. For many years after I moved to NYC, I spent a lot of holidays alone and I started to not see the point in a lot of the traditions. But a few years ago, I joined my current church and on Christmas morning, many of church members come out to serve breakfast to the community and give gifts and clothes to anyone who wants it and it’s been an awesome experience. A lot of my family members participate in it, so we go and do that on Christmas morning and then go to one of my cousins’ homes and have Christmas dinner together. We still exchange gifts and stuff but the focus is not on that part of the day. I think that makes the difference.
    I hope you had a great Christmas Simon.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Merry Christmas Simon,

    Sometimes we do all that because it’s a way of expressing love and togetherness. I know some people are never happy with anything, they are the ones who choose to be unhappy. People like me appreciate every effort that a person make.

    So Christmas is about happiness, those who don’t want to be happy should just sort themselves out.

    By the way I like Christmas shopping at Tesco too haha

    I hope you had a wonderful day

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for that Samantha… I’m glad you’re so appreciative you’re a blessing.
      I do like Tesco… I had a voucher for Waitrose which i went to the other day. Ill never go back!
      Merry Christmas… ☺😘

      Liked by 2 people

  6. It’s not our responsibility to make others happy. They are responsible for their own feelings. So do what you can and if it doesn’t suffice then to hell with it… 🙂
    Merry Christmas Si, to you and your family!!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I haven’t done anything homemade Simon, cause I know Aldi can make it cheaper and better 😂 There is a lot of showing off by people who have competitive christmasses. You don’t have to buy into all that nonsense though. A lot of the Christmas crap I can do without 😜😝😇 Hugs. Ps. Sorry I’ve been quiet. I’m not very sociable lately 😘 xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  8. That is definitely one lesson I have learned well. We are entitled to simplify. If others don’t accept it, so what! It is our life and our time! They are either envy that we have more time or that we have more content in our lives in order that we need to simplify! Happy Christmas, Simon!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. The pond is a wise move. One should also indulge in a little silliness in the imagination.
    As I was driving home today from a last shopping mission and thinking seasonal thoughts ostensibly of a religious nature and being Catholic I was suddenly fixated with the idea of a ex-and thus reformed pirate becoming Pope and since I was alone in the car saying to myself -“Har-arr there ye cardinal swabs ye! Har-arr. Go out and look after ye poor- Har-arr!!”- it had a certain cathartic effect.
    Best wishes for Christmas and 2017

    Liked by 3 people

  10. I enjoy the holiday season because I give myself free reign to eat as much sweets as I can. Not the best idea, but I love to make candy, cookies, etc. Plus I have a family that really appreciates the home made goodies. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

    Liked by 3 people

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