The Ghost Called Bob #5

After three years of my little Halloween stories – I thought Bob’s story should carry on! r Bob got up to more tricks in year two more frolics in year three , he was back again last year.

And he’s back again!

The night draw in once more the last browned and wind blown leaves remain on the trees. Awaiting the cold winds that will shed the trees of the last of summer’s warm. The mists descend as night falls, the glowing pumpkin jack-o-lanterns dimly illuminate the houses that invite the children to play their trick – or treat.

Despite the stories told every year the children venture out, daring the goulful duo to appear. Mary floats about the dampened and misty streets, swathes of fog mask her wanderings as the first children make their way onto the spooky streets, hoping to bring home their haul of chocolate and treats.

As Mary wonders where Bob might be she rounds the corner to find him there. With almost a fright she jumps in the air. Giggling with mischief Bob gets a slap. Spinning his head he faces Mary with a lift of his hand he shows her the companion he found. Lucy, growing ever bigger with a costume of ragged clothes and face pale and bloodied she appears a spooky sight.

Lucy motions with a wave, rushing to a darkened place two others await, a witch and a Goblin wave to Lucy. Presenting the ghouls Lucy looks and nothing is there. With a snigger the pair show their amusement. Lucy’s fisted hands angrily planted on her hips. But anger is turned to laughter as the two turn to find the ghosty pair right behind them. As they screech Lucy is bent up with laughter.

With now five of them they wander through the village, all taking turns to jump out on the unsuspecting. As Bob pop his head up from a drain some boys leap to run only to find Mary staring with an undead look. With a shriek louder than the girls they run not looking back.

The girls share the abandoned sugary loot among them, laughing as they seek the next stop. A man in a van shines his light down the narrow road, waving for them to move Mary stands to block him and gives a deathly stare. The driver frustrated turns to look to see Bob with the rope around his neck. Quickly backing away Bob is left floating in mid air.

With giggles and laughs they finish their tirade of terror. Lucy says a sad farewell, offering a flower to each of the ghouls, again the ghosts make their way back to their resting places. With new friends made they look forward keenly to their night of freedom. As light starts to return Bob winces at the silhouetted gibbet and turn to the brightness as Mary looks on. They say their goodbyes and once again sink down to their graves as the light of the new day dawns.

The flowers left atop each of their graves, the gifts of love they couldn’t take.
Lucy will be there next year and again they can have their night of spooky fun!

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