Manic Monday – Planet Simon, the week ahead

So this week there are as always a few things going on. However, unlike other weeks there’s one or two things of importance that I can’t say much about now but let’s say things might be about to change a bit and who knows where that may lead me?

Last week I managed to do something I’ve been meaning to do for ages, I’ve got a few short stories that need writing up bringing into being. I’ve been meaning to put what I have on my Wattpad and I’ve finally done it. Talking about Wattpad I’ve put a link to my Wattpad on my home page – if your a Wattie (hey I couldn’t think of anything better) then go and follow me. There’s not a lot there yet but watch this space!

I’ve also reset my phone, this doesn’t sound big but when you have a phone that’s running slower the minds of most British politicians it gets annoying. So with much anxiety I backed up and reset – wow what a difference. If you ever need advice on it (I’m more and android guy, but I’ve had to reset Apples in the past) then pop me a comment or email (see contacts page).

There’s a bit of fun lined up this week on Planet Simon so enjoy!

Simon 🙂

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