Blogger Recognition Award


Thanks to discoveringsooz for nominating me for the Blogger Recognition Award. I’ve been following Sooz a while and she’s a really cheerful person who for some reason  likes some of my posts and seems to think I deserve recognition. That’s amazing! 🙂


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to (I’ve only done 5 though – bad me).
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated
    them and provide the link to the post you created.

I began my blog in 2013, but I didn’t start using it in anger for a couple of years. After my mum died in 2014 and all that happened in that year I wasn’t in a great place and discovering my writing side has helped a bit through those hard times and I’m still reeling from them, but still getting all these fresh positive inputs into my life from all my bloggies. That’s why I love you all 🙂

My advice to new bloggers would be…

  1. Most of all, be yourself, let people discover you.
  2. Write or post what you want to write or post, express yourself. It goes without saying to do this respectfully though. Do this and the right blhttps://beff88oggies will come to you.

Here are the bloggers that I have nominated:




Thanks to all my bloggies, for supporting me through all the things I do here. I hope those I’ve nominated will take part. If not, no worries. Take the award as a gesture of awesomeness.

Simon 🙂


25 thoughts on “Blogger Recognition Award

  1. Congratulations! You deserve an award, the amount of care and attention you put into your blog and keeping up with your followers is mind-boggling! And thanks for nominating me 😀… Although I’m afraid I might have to take you up on the “gesture of awesomeness” option, at least for now 😆

    Liked by 1 person

      1. With over a thousand followers, how could you?! I have about a third as many and I can’t keep up with them all… Much as I’d like to! I will however take my award, print it out and stick it on my wall as evidence that I’m doing OK! 😀 Thanks again!

        Liked by 1 person

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