Planet Simon – Weekly Roundup

As always it’s been a busy week and I’ve been struggling to keep my blogging schedule. I’m hoping soon I can be delivering more of my own written content and new stuff to keep your interest peaked. I hope you’ve all had a good week – looking forward to another week of adventures next week!




Simon 3

This week I’ve been putting up my favourite movie sound pieces. This will continue into next week. Two notables from this weeks collection are:

The Avengers





This weeks space news has been:

A week of pictures from ESA

The great divide in Saturn’s rings

Mainly picture posts, which I like as there’s nothing more spectacular than imagery in space and nothing like details to take some of that beauty away.


Blog Battle:

Simon 9


This week, the story continued with part three of my short story  The Titan Mystery:

The Titan Mystery – Part 3

My friend Rachael is doing great things with the blog battles. So please go and ahve a look! No – I mean it!!!

Other Stuff:


Other posts I put up was one on the stone of Castlerigg and a church near to where I work:

The stones of Castlerigg

The secrets of an old church


Bloggies and their posts:


I’ve been asked by my friend Trina of its good to be crazy sometimes to give some coverage. So as she’s a good bloggie friend I couldn’t resist. The link takes you to a post about her’s son’s birthday cake – I think she did a good job!

I also liked this post from my friend Morgan of Rose Quartz whaere she talks about what she wants to do in life and her aspirations. I alwys love the young sparkle that Morgan puts into her posts and it’s what makes here one of my favourite bloggies. Other posts on PS1 games and the 90’s websites she used to love are also worth a read!

Lastly I want to draw everyone’s attention to this post about a call to action for a fellow blogger who has fallen seriously ill: A call to action

Don’t forget to take part in the Meet and greet

17 thoughts on “Planet Simon – Weekly Roundup

      1. I smile on every day. Seriously, Friday is not more special to me than any other day. Actually, I like the weekdays better because I have more freedom to go for my own schedule.

        Liked by 2 people

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