WordPress, Will You Be My Valentine?

There’s a Rose on a mission here – give here a hand by having a look over her blog and following if you like! πŸ™‚

8 thoughts on “WordPress, Will You Be My Valentine?

      1. Haha, yes in support of your point – ” I’m not too upset about it, it’s just an opportunity to treat yo self.” especially.


  1. I will happily wander over and take a look but for me, trying to get more and more followers, is simply about aiming for as many friends as possible on Facebook and only interacting with 20 or so. I follow because I want to engage with people who share a common interest. I’ve been asked to follow or more politely, told to follow, this is a no-go area for me. What does it mean to have 500 followers? I’d rather have 40 followers who all, at some stage, engage in dialogue and constructive criticism.

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    1. I agree with this and it’s my approach too, I want to have an active audience interested in what I’m blogging. But people have different objectives and I’m willing to help people achieve them πŸ™‚

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